Having a blog has been recommended to me by several people. I have decided to take their advice.
The way mind works, there is no direct path to my most profound thoughts, instead, one thought will lead to another in a slowly progressing manor, much the way a tiny stream will meander it’s way around the terrain.
Please keep this in mind as you read this and future blog entries- it may not appear that I know where I am going with a thought, but once again, like the meandering stream, we are both heading toward something bigger, knowing that in order to get there we must get past resistance and over or around obstacles that stand in our way.
After spending most of my years fighting my way upstream, foreseeing obstacles that are not even there, or trying to force a change in life’s current, it is a new and novel approach to simply go with the flow, taking care of where I am today, and waiting until I actually run into an obstacle to find a way to deal with it.
I have discovered that obstacles are fewer when they are not invented, exaggerated, and worried over. These types of obstacles will cause the stream to damn up, where it will eventually become a pool of stagnant water.